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Electric Fields 2016, 26 – 27 agosto

L'Electric Fields festival si svolge in Scozia, nei pressi del castello Drumlanrig.

Dettaglio eventi

Electric Fields 2016

26 – 27 agosto

Thornhill, United Kingdom

L’Electric Fields festival si svolge in Scozia, nei pressi del castello Drumlanrig.

electric fields festival


Primal Scream
The Charlatans
Everything Everything
Wild Beasts
Public Service Broadcasting
The Twilight Sad
The Sugarhill Gang
Steve Mason
Erol Alkan
Joy Orbison
Songhoy Blues
Admiral Fallow
The Go! Team
Factory Floor
DJ Yoda
Eclair Fifi
C Duncan
Don Letts
Sundara Karma
Tuff Love
Bill Ryder-Jones
Baby Strange
Denis Sulta
Emma Pollock
Dixon Avenue Basement Jams
Neon Waltz
Model Aeroplanes
Colonel Mustard & The Dijon 5
Jamie Roy
Barstow Bats
Sean Vs The Robots
Riding the Low
The Van T’s
The Lapelles
Be Charlotte
Bella and the Bear
Blueprint Blue
Hot Vestry
Mark W. Georgsson
Sweaty Palms
Elara Caluna
Tim Burgess [DJ set]
Howling Rhythm
Wasabi Disco
Juice at Sneaky Pete’s
Social Club
Soul Jam
Witness – Sneaky Petes
Hector’s House Edinburgh
Deep Fried Soul
Bowie Disco
Northern Soul Dance Class


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